Free basics webinars

Free basics webinars
Continuing education is the key to success.
We offer you a free basic webinar in the field of complementary medicine.

Physics of the soul. Introduction to physical information medicine. This webinar has already taken place. You can press the picture and watch it on Youtube.

Scientific concepts for explaining the world: matter, energy, information
Bioinformation in research
Effect of bioinformation on metabolism
Measurement of the impact of information on the human body
Weber-Fechner’s law
Dissipative properties of the EM field
Harmonic pyramid

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Scientific background of physical information medicine.

Speaker Jan Senekowitsch (physicist)

  1. Scientific backround in physical information medicines
  2. Basic physical terms
  3. Matter
  4. Energy
  5. Physical field term
  6. Electric field
  7. Magnetic field
  8. Magnetic /electric field of the human body
  9. Freguency – physical oscillaton
  10. Biophysical models
  11. Control System – cybernetics
  12. Dissipative structures
  13. Bioenergetic Medicine
  14. Measurement methods
  15. Heart rate variability
  16. Skin impendance measurement
  17. Impedance measurement, microelectrode arrays

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